
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Clarity Through Uncertainty | Daniel Malone | Open Arms Church
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
#OpenArms #ChurchOnline
Today we have our friend Daniel Malone speaking to us, an Irish Man living & leading in Cape Town, South Africa! Daniel will be speaking to us about having “Clarity Through Uncertainty” 🙏🏻
Isaiah 66:9 tells us that “God will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born”. God is doing something new TODAY! Let’s lean in to what Daniel has to share with us, believing that God will speak directly to our hearts 🧡
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Monday Aug 17, 2020
God helps us get it together | Andre Greeff | Open Arms Church
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
#OpenArms #ChurchOnline
We have Andre Greeff speaking to us all the way from Cape Town, South Africa about God helping us get it together so that we can get it together. God heals, blesses and unites us. These blessings we get to carry into our world. God gets us together so that we can reach this world together. He wants to heal us and help us stay healthy so that we can be united.
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Monday Aug 10, 2020
A confident church in a chaotic world | Brian Somerville | Open Arms Church
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
#OpenArms #ChurchOnline
There’s NEVER been a better time to place your FULL TRUST in God 🙌🏻 The world needs a CONFIDENT church in chaotic times 🙏🏻 So how do we maintain our confidence in chaotic times as we continue to sense God leading us to that ‘place of abundance?’ Join us as Brian Somerville shares on this topic today.
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Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Stuck In The Middle | Darren Sharp | Open Arms Church
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
God what shall I do? Lockdown, job losses, travel restrictions...What can we do OR who can we turn to when we’re STUCK IN THE MIDDLE? Darren Sharp, Director of Compassion UK/Ireland (https://www.compassion.ie/) leads us in this sermon reminding us that when you think you’re stuck in the middle, to be reminded of what God’s Word declares over you and that Jesus really does care about your next step!
This is the time when our faith needs to be exercised.
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Sunday Jul 26, 2020
The Weight of Waiting | Matt & Candi | Open Arms Church
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
#OpenArms #ChurchOnline
We can so easily view life as if we are always waiting for something to happen! Waiting has an impact on all of us. But how we choose to face our waiting, is up to us. These seasons of waiting have the potential to have purpose.
Matt Craig and Candice Kieser, leaders and staff in Open Arms bringing us perspective on the seasons of waiting and how we choose to respond.
2 Timothy 2:13 (NLT)
He will be faithful to see you through to the end and complete the work He is doing IN you.
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Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Surrendering to God | JR Certeza | Open Arms Church
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Surrendering everything to God can be very challenging! Why is it so hard to relinquish control and submit fully to what God wants for us? JR Certeza, part of the Open Arms Leadership, talks about how we can sometimes struggle to believe that Jesus can truly satisfy the deepest desires of our hearts or we don’t think He can answer our most difficult questions. He shares with us about what actually happens when we surrender… Surrender and God fights for you Surrender and find rest Surrender and get to your destination Surrender and find life _ _
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Monday Jul 13, 2020
Sons of God | PJ Booth | Open Arms Church
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
PJ Booth is speaking about Sons of God. Knowing and believing that our identity can be found in Jesus and knowing we are His children accepted in His Kingdom.
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Monday Jul 06, 2020
Battles & Blessings | Prepare To Move Part 6 | Sean Booth | Open Arms Church
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
What’s battling you today?
Maybe you’re facing a battle. A person needs to be reminded that what you are facing will not defeat you, it will not wear you down, it will not break you, but it will make way for great breakthroughs in and through your life! God has already won this battle for you.
Part 6 of the Prepare to Move series is preached by Sean Booth, lead pastor of Open Arms Church and is titled “Moving in - Battles & Blessings”, looking at Joshua 6:1-5 (NIV).
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#OpenArms #ChurchOnline #PrepareToMove

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Moving On | Prepare To Move Part 5 | Sean Booth | Open Arms Church
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Today Sean Booth is speaking on part 5 of the Prepare to Move series and is titled “Moving on - “We can’t stay here.”
Our Scripture today is found in Joshua 1:1-5 NIV
We have to be willing to leave where we are to go where God has for us!
We have to break off and let go of those things that are holding on to us and remove the fear of moving on so that God can move us and move in us like never before!
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Monday Jun 22, 2020
The heart of a Father | Sean & PJ Booth | Open Arms Church
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020